Sunday, May 1, 2016

Complaint Letter

Ashley Moore
Brooklyn, NY

February 7, 2016

Mr. David Mistler
Beauty Cosmetics
666 Shore Avenue
Topeka, KS 1666

Dear Mr. Mistler:

As a customer of yours for over 5 years, I am writing to you to point out an important issue regarding one of your facial concealers. Two weeks ago, I purchased one of your Lifting Concealers that you advertised as “the most amazing concealer with a full coverage”. After applying this product on my face several times, I noticed that the conceal did not cover the ache at all.
At first, I thought that maybe I did not apply enough of the concealer, so I used some more. However, nothing really has changed. Acne was still visible.
I think you will agree that this an issue about your concealers. In addition, I believe that it is wrong to do a false advertising on this product. I would like to ask for a refund for the price of the concealer.   
Please let me know as soon as possible about a refund. Thank you!

Yours truly,

Ashley Moore

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