On Tuesday 4/11, when I checked my blog’s statistics, it was reviewed by two people. My most viewed post for that day was the self-assessment. On Wednesday 4/12, my blog’s visitors were 7. I was really surprised with the increase in the number, but then I realized that probably most of these visitors were from the Writing for Engineers class since I posted my blog’s URL on Blackboard. For that day, five people reviewed my Introduction post, two reviewed Self-Assessment. On Saturday 4/16 when I checked by blog’s statistics, I had 3 new pageviews since Wednesday. Two of these viewed my Introduction post and one reviewed Complaint Letter that I posted. On Sunday 4/17, my pageviews were 5. I was surprised with the sudden increase in the number because there is only one-day difference. Three of these viewed my Introduction post, one viewed Self-Assessment and one viewed Fracking. If I look at a weekly statistics of the pageviews by the browsers from April 11-April 18, 91% (22 people) of these viewers accessed by blog trough Google Chrome, 4% Mozilla Firefox and 1% through Safari. Likewise looking at the statistics of the pageviews by the operating systems, 66% of the viewers used Windows, 16% used Linux, 2% used Macintosh, 8% used Unix. These statistics also show that Google Chrome is the most popular browser and Windows is the most used operating system. In addition, my most viewed posts are Introduction and Self-Assessment so far. I think this shows that usually the first thing people check on a blog is the introduction.
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